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The CREEi-Hastings Center Bioethics Scholars Program (BSP)

Updated: May 30, 2023

The Bioethics Scholars Program (BSP) is a collaboration between CREEi and the Hastings Center, an independent, nonpartisan bioethics research institute and think tank based in Garrison, New York (

By working together, we are helping CREEi alumni to enhance their professional skills as bioethics by developing regional relevant research ethics case studies.

The BSP conducted live onsite workshops for its scholars in March 2023. These were hosted in English by Ken Goodman and the Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, and in Spanish by BSP faculty Gustavo Ortiz Millan at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City (founded in 1551). During these events, the scholars presented and discussed their works in progress with their peers and mentors. Discussions highlighted the need to situate and contextualize cases and issues of concern as this bears on perceptions and outcomes, and also explored distinctions between normative and empirical work. When complete, scholars’ case studies will be published on The Hastings Center and CREEi websites in 2023. Making these freely available to others supports our aim of strengthening regional bioethics discourse and education, and thereby increasing representation of the global South in international bioethics discourse. It will also serve as a resource for enhancing regional capacity to negotiate for equitable international research partnerships that better fulfil CIOMS (2016) ethical requirements for international research, and help to ensure that research hosted in the region is addressing regional health needs.

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